Work With Me

Do you feel stuck by negativity and/or overwhelm, can't explain your "blah" moments, but are tired of being in that space? Let's hop on a call and see if I can support you! 

I work with young ambitious women who are burnt out and unable to see any progress in their lives and careers. They feel stuck, tired, unfulfilled, unhappy, and uninspired.
By working with me, they are able to learn self-care and self-love tools that help them examine their value systems and help them reset their mindset. By following my program, they are able to usher in more joy in their lives, create a more compassionate mental space, set healthy work-life boundaries, and find fulfillment in what they are doing.
  • Get private hourly coaching every week for 12 weeks. 
  • Learn how to love yourself
  • Transform yourself and honour yourself. 
  • Battle depression and anxiety. 
  • Self-care and self-love basics – what they really are (not just candles and massages… )
  • Transform negative mindsets that are holding you back
  • Rewrite limiting beliefs into empowering ones
  • Find the Power in YOU and your subconscious
  • Learn how to be motivated from inspiration and not stress
  • Be equipped to get yourself out of the hard days
  • Learn how I overcame depression and anxiety and learned how to embody self-love to become the best version of myself

The program

We all want to achieve big things. I do too. Of course. We all have dreams. To travel, have a nice house, 5 cute puppies (maybe that’s mine…), buy cute clothes, and whatever else. Maybe your dream is very different. And that is fine. 

What is NOT fine is that you are not THERE yet, and you don’t know how to get there. 


And that is where I come in. I help you shift the mindsets, clear the brain fog, and take the right steps so you can live the life you are inspired by, rather than the one you are stuck in. 

What is the point of life if you aren’t happy, right? 

DISCLAIMER: I am no genie. There is work involved. I am not telling you HOW to start travelling or buying fancy clothes. I can only support you in creating the right mindset so that you can create that dream life for yourself. 


Everything you DO comes from who you ARE and what you THINK. That is why changing your beliefs, the deep-rooted, subconscious ones, is key to achieving happiness. And the problem is, SO many of these beliefs are subconscious. You don’t even realize you have them. Yet, you are stuck, right? Why are you stuck? 


You guessed it. Because of those beliefs. 


In this program, we will hop on weekly calls to identify your struggles, identify the limiting beliefs that are holding you back, rewire them, and send you off on your way to live a happier, more inspired life, with basically a brain makeover. You will leave more confident, inspired, content, balanced, and happier. The little things won’t bother you as much. When you DO feel blah (which you will, occasionally – you are human), you will know how to get out of it. Better yet, you will be equipped to identify the reason behind your feelings, and hence make adjustments as necessary!


And of course, you will get a bunch of free tools and resources, tips and techniques that I personally use in my journey! 

This is for you if you are...

– Ready to DO something about changing your life 

– Tired of being stuck, unhappy with yourself and those around you

– Overwhelmed with the pressures you put on yourself (work, self-care, pleasing others, being/looking perfect) 

– Close to burn out

– Feel “blah” but don’t know WHAT it is that is bothering you (especially if everything ‘looks’ good from the outside)

My Role

Support you and help you understand your negative and anxious thoughts so you can overcome them or deal with them in a healthier manner, rather than being controlled by those unhelpful thoughts. 


I will basically be like your girlfriend who you can vent to, but I will help you identify limiting beliefs that are holding you back from improving yourself and your life, so that you can take the next steps and get out of the rut you are in. 

SO if any of this resonates with you, and you want to understand a bit more of what I am saying, and what this could look like in YOUR life, jump on that call with me! Book below!