Disclosure Policy

Updated on 15 June, 2020

Hello, there.

I want to be completely honest with you: I like creating content and helping you out. However, I need money to survive. We all do. Unfortunately, money does not grow on trees.

(Also, running a website costs money – hosting bills, digital tools, marketing, etc.)

Hence, one of my sources of income is through affiliate marketing.

What is THAT?

Basically, if I like a product and want to recommend it to you to help you improve your life, I will add it to a blog post. If you click on the link and make a purchase, I might make a small percentage of the sale.

But don’t worry, that does not mean you have to pay extra. There are no additional charges for you, whatsoever.

This blog is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for me to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites.

Sponsored Posts

Some of my blog posts might also be sponsored, in which case they will be labelled. An individual or brand offers me a product and I will review it 100% honestly. Please note that my reviews will always be honest because I do not want to recommend something that is a waste of money (I value money!)

Product Support

I can not offer any support for any product I recommend. If you choose to purchase something from an affiliate link or sponsored post, any questions should be directed to the product developer/seller.

Thank you for supporting me!

Much love <3