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What is the importance of work life balance?
Many people work long hours with the idea that maybe one day they will “make it”. They sacrifice their health, their relationships, their mental peace, because it doesn’t feel good enough to stop yet.
Most people in our current world are like this. Climbing the corporate ladder frantically, terrified that the second they stop, they’ll come crashing down.
But is this true?
Most often, it’s not.
The reality is that our minds often creates beliefs that exaggerate our reality.
For example, if leaving work an hour earlier or not answering a colleague’s call after work may not seem like an option to you. It might feel like you “have to do it”.
But we often forget to ask this simple question: So What?
So what if you don’t answer your phone. So what if you leave your work a bit earlier.
And the biggest question: So what if you prioritize your work a little less and your life a little more?
The fascinating thing about this last question is that not only will you realize it really doesn’t have a negative impact on your overall success, but also that it in fact has a positive effect on your quality of life and satisfaction.
But why?
What is the importance of work life balance?
In this article, we’ll explore the importance of work-life balance and how to achieve it.
Table of Contents
What is the importance of work life balance
Reasons for imbalance in work-life balance
Before we talk about the importance of work life balance, let’s discuss the reasons for imbalance in work-life balance.
One of the primary reasons is the increasing demands of work, which can lead to longer working hours, unrealistic deadlines, and higher levels of stress.
The inability to prioritize personal time and poor time management skills can also contribute to work-life imbalance.
Additionally, technology has made it easier for people to remain connected to work outside of working hours, which can blur the lines between work and personal life.
Societal expectations and cultural norms can put pressure on individuals to prioritize work over their personal life, leading to work-life imbalance. Perhaps its pressure from your dad to do better and make him proud. Maybe it’s the pressure of ‘catching up’ with your friends.
Finally, personal limiting beliefs can lead to poor work-life balance. Many times we feel like we need to prove ourselves working more. Or, we can think that we don’t deserve a break until we achieve a certain goal. There are many limiting beliefs that can push someone to overwork.
10 reasons why work life balance is important
When you don’t balance your goals with rest and relaxation, numerous aspects of your life suffer.
Here are just 10 reasons of the many that highlight the importance of work life balance, and the negative impact of work-life imbalance.
1. You don’t know what you like doing
When you work too much, you fill your life with work.
As a result, every other trait of yours is subdued.
For example, what do you like?
What colors do you like (besides the one on your company logo)?
Who do you like talking to (besides your clients and colleagues)?
What do you like doing?
If you had a million dollars and just sat in a locked house, what would you do?
What are your hobbies? When you make a million dollars, and retire, what will you even do?
What do you love doing? What do you hate?
It is so easy to get caught up in what the world (and social media) says. Everyone likes matcha, so you think you do too. Everyone seems to be cooking, so you think you like it too. More solopreneurs are living the nomad life, so you think it looks cool too.
But, when you think about it, you hate cooking and you prefer coffee to matcha. And maybe you actually prefer relaxing at home, not living the nomadic life.
The only way for you to truly figure out what you like is by getting in touch with yourself. Listening to yourself. Giving yourself time to try things, experience life, and find yourself.
2. You have no time for yourself
Everything you do in life is ultimately for you. Now before you say “I like helping people” or “I selflessly give money to the homeless”, think about how you feel when you do this.
Even if you help others, it is out of a desire to feel good.
If you work extremely hard to provide for your family, that’s because you care about them and seeing them happy makes you feel happy.
Thus, no matter what your circumstances are, ultimately, your brain is living for you. You will never do something that in SOME way does not serve you.
That’s not a selfish thing, that is just how we are. We want to feel good, in whichever way that translates to our life.
And that’s why many people overwork: to chase some feeling of accomplishment or maybe a raise that will give you more money.
But if you keep chasing, when will you pause to enjoy whatever you have?
The importance of work life balance is filling up your cup internally while chasing your goals. Do things for yourself that make you happy right now. Get to know yourself. Enjoy yourself.
Without that, life is meaningless. You will be an empty shell, going through the motions. And that is not life. That is existence. 🙁
3. Your relationships suffer
When you work too much, it is clear that you won’t have time for others. And when you are overworked and tired, it isn’t hard to deduce that you will be more irritable… leading to things you wish you didn’t say or things you wish you had said.
And when you finally do have time, you won’t know how to interact in a healthy manner. The idea that you have worked SO hard and you are FINALLY free will ring in your body telling you that you deserve better treatment and that you have earned your right to be cranky or throw tantrums or do whatever YOU want.
4. You end up mentally weaker
The constant stress and frustration makes you more irritable, sadder, and more blah. And as a result, whenever anything not-so-great happens, you will end up reacting in a much more unhealthy way, that makes you and people around you feel bad.
Think about it, when you are mentally exhausted, when you have worked WAY too much, what happens? You end up usually snapping, right? And snapping doesn’t feel good… not to you nor to the receiver…
And even if you manage to swallow your reactions, what about your emotions?
You still feel bad, you still feel annoyed, stressed, sad, insecure… all these negative feelings attack when you are really tired.
Eventually, this can lead to burnout.
The importance of work life balance is having better mental health.
5. You don’t know who you are
Because you have no time to pause – you don’t know what type of person you are or what skills you have or what you think about things or what you feel. You are completely out of touch with your feelings.
Who are you as a human being? Are you an introvert? Do you like exploring places? What is the best time for you to be productive? What time do you feel inspired? What do you feel about certain people or things?
Your whole sense of purpose is dictated by work. And without work, you can feel at a loss. And that is scary. Letting ANY one thing define you is scary.
The importance of work life balance is having that sense of identity without your ‘job’.
6. You have no time to explore anything out of the box
Another reason that work life balance is important is so that you can use the free time you do have to do something satisfying.
How often have you finally gotten done with your work, felt exhausted, and then not known what to do, so you just grab your phone to scroll? Or maybe you switched on the TV to binge-watch whatever is available.
After a long day or week working hard, you’re so exhausted that the last thing you want to do is experiment with hobbies and try something new. So, you’ll choose the easiest option to spend time: scrolling on social media or binge-watching mindless TV. However, these ‘easy’ options aren’t fulfilling enough “hobbies” that will make YOU feel good, refreshed, and happy.
The importance of work life balance is that it gives you the chance to explore different hobbies and find the one that gives you true satisfaction. Whether it’s playing the guitar, reading a book, painting, doing yoga, or going for a hike, you never know what you might fall in love with until you try.
7. Your Physical Health Suffers
The importance of work life balance doesn’t just affect your relationships, but also your health.
Working too much can lead to a range of health problems, both mental and physical. Prolonged stress can lead to anxiety and depression, while physical health problems can arise from sitting for extended periods or neglecting exercise and a healthy diet. Not taking enough time for yourself can also lead to poor sleep, which can further contribute to health issues.
Taking regular breaks and making time for self-care can help to prevent or alleviate these health problems.
8. You Become Less Productive
Working too much can lead to burnout and a lack of inspiration, which in turn can lead to decreased creativity and productivity. When you are constantly working and not taking breaks, your mind doesn’t have time to rest and recharge, which is when your subconscious mind is best at making new connections and coming up with great ideas.
Read: Ultimate Night Routine to Hack Your Subconscious
Taking a break and allowing yourself to step away from work can help to increase creativity and productivity by giving your brain the chance to relax and rejuvenate. In addition, when you get back to work, you have more energy to work more efficiently and get more done.
9. You Become Less Creative
Having a good work life balance increases creative thinking! When you do things outside of work, like watching movies, reading books, traveling, or just having a good chat with someone, you’re creating new neural pathways in your brain. And that’s a big deal for creativity!
When you’re too focused on work, you tend to refine your existing ideas rather than coming up with new ones. But if you expose ourselves to a greater variety of experiences, you’re more likely to have those “a-ha” moments that lead to exciting, creative ideas.
So, if you want to be at your most creative, you need to give yourself time for other things. It might sound counterintuitive, but sometimes the best thing you can do for your work is to take a break from it!
10. Life passes by you
Life is about the little things. By working too much, you are passing all of your life. Maybe you will get that Ferrari in 12 years instead of 10. But, what about all the road trips you can take in your little, old car right now? The memories you can make? The moments you can LIVE.
Life is about the journey, not the destination. Working too much might get you closer to the destination, but if the destination is disappointing, you would have wasted the entire journey. Instead, pause, and take out time for the little things.
The importance of work life balance is living the life that we are presented with, rather than chasing a future that is forever eluding us.
Examples of work life balance
Now that we have discussed the importance of work life balance, you might be wondering, “Okay, but how can I achieve work life balance?”
Here are some steps you can take to start balancing your work and life. Remember, it’s not a one-time thing. It’s an continuous dance of weighing your mind and body’s needs on a daily basis and making decisions that help you be healthiest and happiest.
- Maintain a set schedule: Having a clear start and end time to your workday and sticking to it helps ensure you have time for your personal life.
- Take breaks throughout the day: Regular breaks can help improve productivity and prevent burnout.
- Prioritize self-care: Making time for activities that help reduce stress, such as exercise or meditation, can help maintain a healthy work-life balance.
- Clear communication: Good communication with colleagues and supervisors can help avoid misunderstandings and unnecessary work-related stress.
- Set boundaries: Establishing clear boundaries between work and personal life can help employees maintain a healthy balance between the two. Set boundaries around work time, such as avoiding checking emails after a certain hour or on weekends.
- Learn to say no: Become comfortable saying no to non-essential tasks or commitments that may interfere with your personal time.
- Get clear on your personal values: Align your work with your personal values to create a sense of purpose and fulfillment in both areas of your life.
- Prioritize relationships: Make time for important relationships with family and friends. After all, they’re the ones who are there for you.
- Get clear on your professional goals: Align your goals with your personal values to create a fulfilling and balanced career path. This will help you stay focused and not get distracted in the rat race.
- Map out other areas of your life: Consider what other areas are important to you. For example, do you want to prioritize socializing? Or health? Perhaps you want to work on your creativity. Ensure you give enough time and energy to the other areas of life, too.
Of course, it is not practical to stop working or setting goals. That is completely illogical and impractical. But, how can you balance both work and play? Where in your life can you pause?
That is the importance of work life balance.
Work, play, and rest are all important in equal parts. So when have you overworked? And what can you do to stop?
Commonly Asked Questions
Q: What is work-life balance? A: Work-life balance is the idea of balancing the time and effort you put into your work with the time and effort you put into your personal life, such as your relationships, hobbies, and self-care.
Q: Why is work-life balance important? A: Work-life balance is important because it can help reduce stress, prevent burnout, improve mental and physical health, increase productivity, and enhance overall well-being.
Q: How can I achieve work-life balance? A: Achieving work-life balance can involve setting boundaries, prioritizing your time and responsibilities, practicing self-care, and finding ways to integrate your personal life and work life.
Q: What are some tips for maintaining work-life balance? A: Some tips for maintaining work-life balance include scheduling time for personal activities, disconnecting from work during off-hours, delegating tasks when possible, communicating with your employer about your needs, and practicing mindfulness and stress-reduction techniques.
Q: What are the consequences of not having work-life balance? A: Not having work-life balance can lead to chronic stress, burnout, decreased job satisfaction, strained relationships, and negative impacts on mental and physical health.
Work life balance quotes
Here are some quotes that highlight the importance of work life balance.
“Striving for excellence motivates you; striving for perfection is demoralizing.” – Harriet Braiker
“We’re totally guilty of doing too much at once, all while trying to manage the noise in our heads that says we’re not doing enough.” – Vanessa Autrey
“Never get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life.” – Dolly Parton
“I wish I had treasured the doing a little more and the getting it done a little less.” – Anna Quindlen
“We think, mistakenly, that success is the result of the amount of time we put in at work, instead of the quality of time we put in.” – Arianna Huffington
“Work is a rubber ball. If you drop it, it will bounce back. The other four balls – family, health, friends, integrity – are made of glass. If you drop one of these, it will be irrevocably scuffed, nicked, perhaps even shattered.” – Gary W. Keller

“We have overstretched our personal boundaries and forgotten that true happiness comes from living an authentic life fueled with a sense of purpose and balance.” – Dr.Kathleen Hall
“You can’t do a good job if your job is all you do.” – Katie Thurms
“The wise rest at least as hard as they work.” – Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“Regret for the things we did can be tempered by time; it is regret for the things we did not do that is inconsolable.” – Sydney Harris
“The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.” – Stephen Covey
“Either you run the day, or the day runs you.” – Jim Rohn
“Stress is the trash of modern life. We all generate it, but if you don’t dispose of it properly, it will pile up and overtake your life.” – Danzae Pace
“Burnout is the result of too much energy output and not enough energy self-invested. In other words, it’s burning too much fuel than you’ve put in your tank.” – Melissa Steginus
Funny work life balance quotes

“Cars and decision makers, both need a service break, for better performance and long life.” – Harjeet Khanduja
“If you don’t have time for a break, you definitely need a break!” – Dominique Andersen
“Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes… including you.” – Anne Lamott
“Hard work never killed anybody, but why take a chance?” – Edgar Bergen
“If you had to identify in one word the reason why the human race has not achieved and never will achieve its full potential, that word would be ‘meetings.” – Dave Barry
“I’m currently out of the office and can be reached by waiting until I get back.” – Anonymous
“I like work; it fascinates me. I can sit and look at it for hours.” – Jerome K. Jerome
“No man goes before his time — unless the boss leaves early.” – Groucho Marx
Ratan Tata Quotes on Work Life Balance
Enjoy these work-life balance quotes by Ratan Tata and let them inspire you!

- Don’t just have career or academic goals. Set goals to give you a balanced, successful life. Balanced means ensuring your health, relationship, and mental peace are all in good order.
- “I don’t believe in taking right decisions. I take decisions and then make them right.“
- “Ups and downs in life are very important to keep us going because a straight line even in an ECG means we are not alive.“
- “None can destroy iron, but its own rust can! Likewise none can destroy a person, but its own mindset can!“
- “Don’t be serious, enjoy life as it comes.“
- “If you want to walk fast, walk alone. But if you want to walk far, walk together!”
- “There are many things that, if I have to relive, maybe I will do it another way. But I would not like to look back and think what I have not been able to do.”
- “I admire people who are very successful. But if that success has been achieved through too much ruthlessness, then I may admire that person, but I can’t respect him.”