Best Night Routine

Ultimate Night Routine to Hack Your Subconscious

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You get done work and you just want to switch on the TV, forget about your problems, and fall asleep to Netflix. Right?

Oh, and munch on chips or some other unhealthy snacks.

I relate 100%. In fact, my biggest struggle is being consistent with a night routine. Which is nonexistent.


But why is a night routine even important in the first place?

Don’t have time right now? Save it for later!Β 

Ultimate night routine for success

1. Physical Healing

Your sleep is extremely important because that is when your body is healing itself. Lack of sleep is linked to an increased risk of heart disease, kidney disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and stroke. It also leads to stress, mental health issues, weight gain, weak immunity, and many more issues which you don’t want. 

2. Rest and Productivity

A night routine directly affects the quality of your sleep. Which in turn, affects how well-rested productive you will be the next day. It affects your ability to focus, learn, and react. It can also cause trouble judging others’ emotions or reactions.Β 


Truth be told, I have been ignoring this for years. Ever since college, I just thought I could sleep for a few hours and I’ll be fine the next day with coffee. But I realized that I am doing myself a disservice. And I am so used to being sleep-deprived or just having bad quality of sleep, I don’t think I would even realize how unproductive and tired my brain is… because it is just normal to me.


But this is why it is important to have a consistent nighttime routine that helps you wind down, at least one hour before you go to sleep. “In an hour to hour and a half prior to bedtime, the golden rule is do something that’s relaxing for the body and calming for the mind,” says Dr. Blair to Good Housekeeping Magazine.Β 

3. Reprogramming the Subconscious

The most important aspect, for me, is the effect a night routine has on your subconscious mind.

Your subconscious mind is working nonstop, 24 hours a day, every single day. It never goes to sleep. In fact,Β scientists sayΒ that your subconscious mind is responsible for 95 to 99% of all our conscious actions. 95-99 percent! So when you think you are in control, you probably aren’t. YourΒ subconsciousΒ is.

As Josephy Murphy wrote in TheΒ Power of Your Subconscious,”Your conscious mind is the captain, standing on the deck, giving the orders. The rest of the ship, from the crew, to the sails, to the anchor, is the subconscious, faithfully carrying out whatever order the captain gives.”Β Your subconscious is powerful!


Because your conscious mind is switched off, when you are sleeping your subconscious mind is even more powerful. Your thoughts, positive or negative, are going into your subconscious. Your mind is solving problems, your ego is asleep and the powerful part of your brain is AWAKE. You can change limiting beliefs, the way you think, find solutions to problems, and more, all while sleeping. So why wouldn’t you want to take advantage of that power?

So how can you control what your subconscious is thinking about?


According to neuroscientists, what we think about and feel right before we go to sleep significantly affects what our brain processes while we are asleep.

That is why it’s a great idea to take Thomas Edison’s advice when he said:Β 

Never go to sleep without a request to your subconscious.”Β 


Best Habits to Add Into Your Night Routine

…For Improving Sleep Quality

1. Consistent timing

Try to wake up at the same time everyday, even on weekends. This will help you feel sleepy at the same time everyday, and it also improves the quality of your sleep in the long run.

2. Switch off screens

Try to switch off any screens like your laptop, phone, and iPad, at least 30 minutes before bed. The blue light from electronics interferes with the production of melatonin, the sleep hormone.

3. Read a book

A better activity to incorporate into your night routine than looking at your phone is to read a book. According toΒ research, just six minutes of reading can reduce stress by 60%, ease muscle tension, and alter the state of mind.

4. Dim the lights

With so much artificial light around us, it is hard for our bodies to get the natural cues to go to sleep. So, about an hour before you plan to sleep, start dimming the lights.Β This will help your body start producing melatonin and get sleepy.

5. Take a warm bath/shower

Raising your body temperature and then dropping it can help you feel sleepy. The lower temperature is one of the signals the body uses to start melatonin production.

Also, who doesn’t love a warm bubble bath with candles?

6. Listen to music

Listen to some music to relax! This is one of the best ways to calm down. And is proven to help you sleep better.

7. Drink Tea

Drinking a warm beverage at night can relax you. These 6Β teasΒ are especially known for helping ease stress and helping you fall asleep:

      • Chamomile
      • Valerian root
      • Lavendar
      • Lemon balm
      • Passion
      • Magnolia bark

To put it all together, choose a time, like 11 pm, where you put away your electronics, dim the lights, make some tea, and read a book! Even if you just do it for 10 minutes, you will see great benefits!

…For Enhancing Productivity

β€œThe best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.” β€” H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

8. Get ready for the next morning

Lay out your clothes, pack your lunch, and do anything else that will result in an easier, less stressful morning.

9. Plan for the Next Day

Write down your goals, your top priorities, and anything else to help you start tomorrow with a bang.

10. Reflect

Think about how today went. Take note of what could have gone better, so that you can improve it or deal with it differently tomorrow. End with what went well today, and a few wins!

…For Reprogramming Your Subconscious

Empty Your Mind

11. Brain Dump

Write lingering thoughts or reflections in your journal. This keeps you from going to bed with a head full of worries. Find out how you can start journaling here.

12. Breathing exercises

Mindful breathing can help calm you down and empty your mind of all its chatter. The 4-7-8 breathing technique is a great way to release stress and fall asleep!Β 

13. Meditate

Meditation is proven to reduce stress, depression, and anxiety. Read this for the whole scoop on why it is SO amazing.Β 

Fill it Up

14. Positive thinking

Write down any negative thoughts and beliefs that you want to rewire, then rewrite the positive ones. For more detailed guidance on rewiring limiting beliefs, click here. Read through them a couple of times to sink them into your mind so your brain can get to work on them while you are asleep.Β 

15. Gratitude

Thinking about all you are grateful for will make you sleep on a happy note, helping your subconscious mind be more positive in general. If you suffer from depression or negative thinking, I would definitely recommend this.

16. Visualize tomorrow

Going through the next day prepares your subconscious for it and will make the day much easier.

17. Daily wins

Thinking about all your wins during the day will instill a feeling of confidence and self-esteem. This will replay in your subconscious all night, boosting your self-confidence.

18. Affirmations

Go through a list of empowering β€œI am” statements so you wake up feeling on top of the world.

19. Hoβ€˜oponopono

This powerful Hawaiian prayer works wonders to clear out resentment you may have towards others, yourself, or your situation.

20. Review your goals every night

The subconscious works by repetition. So, in order to reprogram your mind for success, you have to think about it repeatedly and constantly review your goals. You can write them in a journal or just say them out loud.

21. Solve a problem

Write down what you are trying to solve. In the morning, write down dreams, or anything that is in your mind


For a balanced night routine, I would recommend choosing one activity from each section. Do something that will help you destress and improve your sleep quality. Then choose one activity that will help you the next day. Finally, take advantage of your sleep and reprogram your subconscious mind by first calming it down and releasing any thoughts, and then filling it up with the thoughts and beliefs you want.

Common FAQ’sΒ 

What should my night routine be? How to design the perfect bedtime routine?

I believe there is no perfect routine. It all depends on you and your current goals. To help you figure out what might be right for you, you can download this free workbook that takes you through creating the optimal routine for you and your needs. 

Why is a nighttime routine important?

A nighttime routine is really important because it helps you sleep better, which is key for your physical and mental health. A good night time routine helps you stay focused and relax, rather than get distracted by unhealthy activities, like binge-eating, stressing out, binge-watching, etc.

By the end of the day, your brain is much more vulnerable to making bad decisions. This is called decision fatigue. That is why it is helpful to have a set routine so you don’t go down a rabit-hole of bad habits that will harm you in the long-run.

What is a good bedtime routine for adults?

A good bedtime routine is one that helps you sleep well, can relax your mind and improve your mental health, and is do-able.

No routine is good if you can only manage to complete it once, before you completely give up. That’s why make sure it is realistic and you don’t overwhelm yourself with too many new habits.


How can I stop thinking at night?

Often it is hard to stop the chatter in your mind. You can try to journal all your thoughts, so that your worries are out on paper. If this doesn’t work, try to meditate or practice mindful breathing. Mindful breathing helps guide your attention on your breath rather than your thoughts. If you do get distracted by a thought, it is okay. Just guide your attention back to your breathe. 

Here are 9 breathing exercises that will help quiet your brain so that you can sleep.

Pin for later! πŸ™‚

3 reasons for a night routine

23 thoughts on “Ultimate Night Routine to Hack Your Subconscious”

  1. A good nighttime routine that helps you unwind and relax before bed is a recipe for a good nights sleep ??

  2. I love the tips here! I’ll definitely be coming back to make a note of them and start implementing them.

    Unfortunately, I work nights, but switch to being awake on days off, so some things I can’t do. But night or day, I love the brain dump and solving a problem. I often have incredibly vivid dreams, and hope some of these will lessen those!

    1. I am glad you found them useful! I also recommend writing down your dreams when you wake up… you can find a lot of cool info that your subconscious is telling you in them πŸ™‚

  3. Great tips! I definitely like to do a brain dump before bed and write down my to do list for the next day. That way I’m not kept up thinking about it. A good book and my favorite peppermint tea go a long way too. Thanks for the tips!

  4. I follow already around 70% you said πŸ™‚ but it’s really important for out health to have a night routine! Congrats for this blog, it’s super user friendly ??

  5. Glad to know I do most of these lol. I love my night routine but I will definitely incorporate some of the habits you listed! Thanks for the tips!

    1. wow haha your night routine is killer! Way to go! I am still struggling to incorporate most of these, but getting better πŸ™‚

  6. Pingback: Top 51 Simple Self-Care Ideas For A Mental Health Day | WeWearWellness

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