how to let go of control When Life Happens and Things Don't Go Your Way for anxious workaholic

Dear Anxious Workaholic, Let Go of Control – 3 Questions to Ask Yourself When You Can’t Finish Your To-Do List

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The truth is, unless you let go, unless you forgive yourself, unless you forgive the situation, unless you realize that the situation is over, you cannot move forward.” – Steve Maraboli

Sometimes there is just too much to do. A thousand plans, a long to-do list, too many things to prioritize. 

Now imagine, if in your perfectly planned list and life, in the end, life happens and things don’t go your way. How can you let go of control?

Sometimes it feels like I am whirring about in my head trying to catch my own tail. Every minute is planned to the tee, and if there is any delay, I get anxiety attacks. My heart races, my arms feel numb, and I get dizzy. Does anyone else relate? 

One day, I was heading home, still not done with the day’s work, which meant I planned to reach home and work. There were a thousand bees buzzing with different tasks and thoughts in my head. How will I get everything done? Will I be able to get to bed on time? If not, how will I have enough energy to work tomorrow? Thoughts, thoughts, thoughts…

Anxious to get home quickly and get to work, I twiddled my thumbs (jk I don’t do that) and ran over my to-do list in my head for the millionth time (i do that). 

How to crush a MAJOR source of anxiety by taking a break from this one thing!

But, lo and behold, there was a crazy thunderstorm and there was no electricity light at home.

No electricity meant no internet, no laptop (out of charge), and my phone which was about to die.

Now, what could I have done in this situation? And more importantly, what can you do when shit just doesn’t go your way, and you need to work?

Well, I forced myself to stop overworking and filling up my to-do list.

Note: Learning to let go of control was extremely challenging for a workaholic like me!

You might want to check out this my top 10 tools for productivity (best of apps, desktop programs, and browser extensions, all in one article)!

When something unplanned happens that disturbs your schedule, the first step is to determine: can you do something about it?

“God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”  – Reinhold Niebuhr

For example, if your friends decided to come over all of a sudden, and you had work, could you try to say no to them?

Or, in my situation, could you go out and find somewhere else to work?

If yes, then go ahead!

But sometimes an option isn’t available. Maybe your laptop died and your charger broke and it is too late for a store to be open. Or maybe your friend went through a break up and needs you to talk to her for three hours. Or maybe your parents have an emergency. There are some situations you just can’t really do anything about. In that case, you need to learn to let go of control.

But HOW?

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Questions to Ask When Life Happens and You Need to Let Go of Control

Think about it. Assess the work in your head. Ask these questions:

1. Will this task make a difference to you in a month?

Will what you are freaking out about add up to something? Or will it just be another piece of unimportant busy work? If you realize that the work was actually not a life-or-death situation (which it never really is), you will realize:

A. The work was pointless anyways, and

B. You can take a break even if you don’t want to, and there won’t be any negative consequences.

let go of control do you need everything?
Are all the tasks on your list necessary and urgent?

2. Have you really accomplished as little as you make yourself to believe?

Is it possible that you have actually gotten more done today than you let yourself believe? Maybe you overlook some tasks as menial or pointless, but they are still work.

Acknowledge that you are probably an overachiever. You might be such a perfectionist and overachiever that you think you never accomplish anything.

If that sounds like you, accept that you have unrealistic standards for yourself and you need to CHILL OUT.

let go of control, long lists and unrealistic standards
Maybe you have already done a lot but you just don’t see it!

3. Have you already done the best you could today?

A lot of times we don’t realize how hard we have worked. We don’t give ourselves enough credit.

Consider, have you put your best today? Have you worked hard, gone the extra mile, and pushed yourself?

In that case, you need to loosen up, relax, and realize that even though you think you are a machine, you aren’t. If you did your best, and something is still pending on your to-do list, just let it go.

appreciate yourself and relax like the girl reading a book and cup of coffee
Just relax. Do what you love. Read a book and drink coffee, listen to music, or go to sleep. Whatever works for you!

3 Lessons When Things Don’t Go Your Way

Why it can be better to let go of control

Now, hopefully you have realized that you are panicking over nothing, you feel like you haven’t done enough when you have done a lot, or that you did your best. So now, if shit goes down, it doesn’t matter, right?

You can let go of control.

Maybe the universe let shit happen because of a reason. Maybe fate (or the universe, or what have you) planned this diversion because:

  1. You need a break; you are overburdening yourself and on the path to burnout.
  2. A better outcome will come, or something better will happen.
  3. You need to let go of holding your goals and plans and schedules so tightly.

So now, EMBRACE this diversion. Loosen up your tight muscles. Daydream. Talk. Do nothing. Zone out. Love yourself. Forget about your work! It will be there tomorrow too. But these moments that you are wasting worrying won’t ever come back. So if life happens and work just isn’t happening, let go of control. Stop trying to be productive all the time.

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    At the end of the day, life happens. There will always be situations you can’t control. Breathe through it. Anxiety and stress is almost never helpful (unless you are in a life-or-death situation like running away from a tiger). Trust the process of life. Work through whatever you can, but let go of the things you just can’t control.

    Bonus: REAL help when you are wondering how to move on when life throws shit at you.

    Does this ever happen to you? Do you ever need to let go of control over your schedules and to-do list? Do you plan too much work on your to-do list and then freak out when there is a disturbance and life happens?

    Pin for Later! 🙂

    Anxious Workaholic, let go of control pinterest

    34 thoughts on “Dear Anxious Workaholic, Let Go of Control – 3 Questions to Ask Yourself When You Can’t Finish Your To-Do List”

    1. I really saw myself in your second point. I am trying to do everything perfectly, I started a blog recently and I am freaking out as I am not sure how everything works and my blog is actually not perfect but right now I am trying a lot of things that are outside of my comfort zone.

      1. tanvi.chadha1

        Me too! (as in it has been a 1.5 months since I began my blog but i still feel like a beginner). All the best to you! Don’t worry, try your best, and then take time to rest!

    2. Great read! I certainly struggle with this and sometimes I need a reminder that it’s okay to take a break. Thanks for sharing!

      1. tanvi.chadha1

        I’m so glad you liked it. In this fast-paced era, taking a break for your mental health is crucial! Sending love and energy to you!

    3. This was such a beneficial reminder, especially today, as I was experiencing panic related to work! I really appreciate your vulnerability and openness in this. And the tips were so helpful!

    4. I can totally relate to this! I’m guilty of working a little too much that I forget to just be and relax. So thank you for this reminder ✨?

    5. I really needed to read this post today. I’ve been struggling with the need to get things done and be productive and feeling overwhelmed and anxious when things get in the way. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day!

    6. I really needed to read this today. I have been in overdrive for so long and my chill needs a chill. Thank you for permission to self care. ?❤️

      1. tanvi.chadha1

        Yay! I am SO happy this inspired you to take care of yourself! Sending love and positive vibes!

      1. tanvi.chadha1

        That is true! But often what is difficult makes us improve! glad to know you liked it 🙂

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      1. I agree! To-do lists can be helpful to ease our stress, but at the same time they add to stress 😀

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