10 Reasons Why Working Too Much Is Making You MISS OUT On Happiness

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I see so many people struggling with the life they lead. Working too much, for way too long. Yeah, of course it is “bad”. But why?

That is one extreme… the ‘workaholic’. The other, piles on their plate with “shoulds” and goals and personal development habits. That is the… self-help junkie.

So what is wrong with the above? They are both good, right? The former gives you money, success, a reliable image, respect, and more. The latter is supposed to be great for your self-growth. You will be a better person, who is more well-rounded, calm, has a great mindset, etc.

That is in theory. If we were computers (disclaimer: we aren’t), then, sure, going either extreme would serve us well.

But we are human, unfortunately. So let me tell you what the problem is.

Let’s get into this According to Harvard Business Review, “Working too much can take a toll on the body and brain in two main ways — by boosting stress and by getting in the way of exercise, healthy eating, and other good habits.”

Why working too much is doing you harm

1.  You End Up Not Knowing What You Like Doing

When you are working too much, you are basically filling your life with work. And every other trait of yours is subdued. What do you like? What colours do you like (besides the one on your company logo)? Who do you like talking to (besides your clients and colleagues)? What do you like doing? If you had a million dollars and just sat in a locked house, what would you do? What are your hobbies? When you make a million dollars, and retire, what will you even do?

What do you love doing? What do you hate? It is so easy to get caught up in what the world says… like, today traveling is cool so you think you love traveling. Tomorrow, cooking is the new trend so you think you like cooking.

But that’s not really what you like. And the only way for you to figure that out, is by getting in touch with yourself. Listening to yourself. Giving yourself time to try things, experience life, and find yourself.

The easy way out is social media. Social media will just tell you: this is what you like because this is what everyone likes.

But that isn’t really the point, is it?

2.  You Have No Time for Yourself

You live in your brain. Everything you do in life, is ultimately for you. Even if you help others, it is out of a desire to feel good. IF you work extremely hard, your sense of responsibility actually becomes your purpose in life. The point I am making, is that no matter what your circumstances are, ultimately, your brain is living for you. You will never do something that in SOME way does not serve you (that may just be to avoid guilt).

So my point is, you need to take out time for yourself. Get to know yourself. Enjoy yourself. Without that, life is meaningless. You will be an empty shell, going through the motions. And that is not life. That is existence. 🙁

3.  Your Relationships Suffer

When you are working too much, you won’t have time for others. And when you are overworked and tired, it isn’t hard to deduce that you will be more irritable… leading to things you wish you didn’t say or things you wish you had said.

And when you finally do have time, you won’t know how to interact in a healthy manner. The idea that you have worked SO hard, and you are FINALLY free, will ring in your body telling you that you deserve better treatment. That you have earned your right to be cranky or throw tantrums or do whatever YOU want.

4.  You end up mentally weaker 

Working too much leads to burnout. There is only so much your brain can handle. But before burnout, working too much leaves you mentally weak. The constant stress and frustration makes you more irritable, sadder, and more blah. And as a result, whenever anything not-so-great happens, you will end up reacting in a much more unhealthy way, that makes you and people around you feel bad. Think about it, when you are mentally exhausted, when you have worked WAY too much, what happens? You end up usually snapping, right? And snapping doesn’t feel good… not to YOU nor to the receiver…

And even if you manage to swallow your reactions, what about your emotions? You still feel bad, you still feel annoyed, stressed, sad, insecure… all these negative feelings attack when you are really tired.

5.  You Don’t Know Yourself

Because you have no time to pause – you don’t know what type of person you are or what skills you have or what you think about things or what you feel. You are completely out of touch with your feelings. Who are you as a human being? Are you an introvert? Do you like exploring places? What is the best time for you to be productive? What time do you feel inspired? What do you feel about certain people or things?

Your whole sense of purpose is dictated by work. And without work, you can feel at a loss. And that is scary. Letting ANY one thing define you is scary.

6. You Have No Time to Explore Anything Out-of-the-Box 

Because you are tired, it is easy to just pick up Instagram or Netflix when you are free. Both of which aren’t fulfilling enough “hobbies” that will make YOU feel good, refreshed, and happy. So what about that one thing that you might fall in love with. That makes you feel even better than doing a good job at work. That satisfaction?

7. Your Physical Health Suffers

When you are working too much, it is easy to skip the exercise. After a long day working, most of us want to just flop down in front of the TV, eat some food, and go to sleep.

Now, to be frank, I don’t care much about what you look like. I care about your mental wellness. And moving your body and getting in some exercise is crucial for your mental health. It makes you feel confident, lets any pent up negative energy flow out, and most importantly, releases endorphins (which are a feel-good hormone!). Long story short, exercise will make you feel better, calmer, and happier!

8. You Neglect Healthy Habits

According to Harvard Business Review, “Working too much can take a toll on the body and brain in two main ways — by boosting stress and by getting in the way of exercise, healthy eating, and other good habits.”

If you want to be a healthy and happy human, you should probably take a break to make time for good habits that will help you stay energized and healthy. Try to incorporate a bit of physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental self-care into each day (or at least each week).

Check this out for examples of physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental self-care.

9. You are probably less productive!

When you are working too much leads to reduced productivity. When you are tired, you lose focus, creativity, problem-solving skills, and efficiency. In fact, working too much may quicken age-related memory-loss and cognitive function. Last time I checked, memory loss doesn’t help you be more productive.

So if you actually want to get MORE done, it might be a better idea to take some time off.

10. You need to live right NOW (not 10 years from now!)

Life is about the little things. By working too much, you are passing all of your life. Maybe you will get that Ferrari in 12 years instead of 10. But, what about all the road trips you can take in your little, old car right now? The memories you can make? The moments you can LIVE?

Slow down. Life is about the journey, not the destination. Working too much might get you closer to the destination, but if the destination is disappointing, you would have wasted the entire journey. Instead, pause, and take out time for the little things.

Read this: Slow Living for Busy People!

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Some limiting beliefs related to overworking:

  • If I don’t do this, I will get fired.

  • My success depends on how hard I work.

  • If I am not exhausted, I probably didn’t do my best.

  • The only way to prove I am not a failure, is by succeeding in my career.

  • No one else can do this. I have to do it myself, or else it will get messed up.

  • I am not enough if I don’t climb up the corporate ladder or make enough money.

  • I can’t take a break from work. There is too much.

  • Work is important. It is more important than play and rest.

  • I can’t afford to take a break.

  • My worth as a human being is directly correlated to how successful I am in my career.

  • Your career is the most important thing that others notice.

  • Your career is the most important part of your life.

  • If my career isn’t super successful, I am probably a failure.

  • The amount of hard work I do shows how good I am as a person.

  • If I want to be taken seriously in life, I have to be very successful.

  • I only deserve to be happy if I work a lot.

  • My salary/profit is dependent on how hard I work and how much time I put in.

  • I need to work long hours to deserve the salary/profit I have.

  • If I work a lot, I will be happy.

  • If I get a promotion/more sales, I will be happy.


Of course, I am not saying stop working. That is illogical and impractical. But I am saying, PAUSE. Take a break. Life is all about a balance. Work, play, and rest are all important in equal parts. So when have you worked too much? And what can you do to stop?

Pin for later! 🙂

10 Reasons Why Working Too Much is Bad for Mental Health

9 thoughts on “10 Reasons Why Working Too Much Is Making You MISS OUT On Happiness”

  1. Awesome post! Thank you for sharing! Love number 10 –> “You need to live right NOW (not 10 years from now!) “

  2. Love this!! I definitely know that when I take a break from work that I feel much more productive. I also totally agree that if we were just working all the time how will we know what else we’re interested in. There’s so much out there for us to experience, I’m trying to give myself more time at the moment with taking breaks and taking time for me! Great post!

    Chloe xx

    1. Exactly! I am trying too, and to be honest, sometimes it isn’t easy 😛 but we owe it to ourselves.

  3. Having been on the burnout end of the working too hard spectrum, this resonates. Work became who I was at one point. That’s changed although I still recognise some of those limiting beliefs! Thanks for sharing.

    1. That is great! I mean, that is a HUGE improvement and I am so happy you have grown to realize this about you. And, it is hard to completely eradicate limiting beliefs, so the good thing is that at least you recognise them and know that they are false

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